IT Project Management Consulting Services
Empowering people and organizations to achieve project management excellence
My aim is to drive innovation and best practice in project management by providing the right knowledge and skill sets needed for individuals and businesses to manage better IT implementation projects.

I provide information technology project management services and specialize in complex outsourcing, transition and transformation projects, offering training, consulting, coaching and mentoring services to organisations looking to build on the expertise of their employees in order to attain a higher rate of projects delivered on time, within budget and that meet customer expectations.
At the heart of all these services, my objective is to empower project teams by equipping them with the necessary tools and techniques in order to execute projects effectively and efficiently whilst accelerating organizational performance.
My training brings together; strategic programs that are based on the needs of an individual organizations knowledge and skill set requirements, and standard off-the-shelf training packages that focus on specific project management topics. These services are designed to enhance project management expertise whilst at the same time conform to the PMI global standard.
My strategic training programs provides organizations specialist support covering IT implementation projects which leverage a company’s own assets; its people, tools and processes with the intent of maximizing project management capabilities whether that is within a functional, matrix and projectized environment. These training services are tailored to address the typical weak points where the evolution of project management can lag behind the development of other capabilities within an organization and where management systems and infrastructure are not in place to support the needs of the practicing project management community.
“My strategy is to advance project management capabilities with precise targeted efforts to fulfil an organizations individual training requirements”
With a proactive approach, my training is targeted at the varying capabilities of project organizations and identifies the knowledge and skill gaps that require attention. This can be achieved by addressing specific weaknesses or by developing an overall strategy based on an organizations project management maturity and by providing a logical path for progressive training and development to help move a project community forward.
My off-the-shelf training modules provides targeted training covering specific topics such as; presales project management, that can be a typical weak point for many organizations and; risk management, which requires specific skill sets to apply it effectively during a project. These modules range from virtual webinar introduction and overview sessions to extended in-depth onsite courses as required.
“My strategy is to advance project management capabilities with precise targeted efforts to fulfil an organizations individual training requirements”
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In delivering IT implementation projects around the world I have gained a good reputation within the project management community which my colleagues and customers will confirm:

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