Project management training programs and courses

Is project management an art that you’re born with or a science that you can learn? The truth is, it’s both, as a project managers needs creativity and technical skills to keep a project on track. Learn how a project manager works and the skills he needs to do his job to better understand this role within an organization. This course provides an insight into the roles and responsibilities of the project manager following the framework of the PMI global standard.

Having a PMO does not, by itself, increase project success. It’s what the PMO does that makes the difference; and that depends on how successful an organization is in delivering its projects, what problems the PMO is expected to address and the aspects of portfolio, program and project management need to be improved. This course on focuses on setting up and running a project management office and is based on the best practices, tools, techniques and templates following PMI standards and best practices.

Having a PMO does not, by itself, increase project success. It’s what the PMO does that makes the difference; and that depends on how successful an organization is in delivering its projects, what problems the PMO is expected to address and the aspects of portfolio, program and project management need to be improved. This course on focuses on setting up and running a project management office and is based on the best practices, tools, techniques and templates following PMI standards and best practices.

A project manager’s efforts should not be focused on dealing with problems, it should be focused on preventing them. Performing risk management on a project is not as easy as just preparing a risks register; it requires a detailed understanding of tools and process, high quality input from the team, a solid communications plan and stakeholder alignment. This course focuses on how to setup risk management correctly following the PMI standard and how to successfully maintain it throughout the project.

There is rarely a second place in the tender process for IT contracts therefore gaining the winning edge is critical to an organizations success. The project phase is the first and most important element of the contract, and where the customer needs to gain the confidence that a service provider led by a project manager and his project team can meet the objectives. This course focuses on the tender process from a ‘seller’ perspective and addresses the overall requirements in order to deliver winning proposals.

There is rarely a second place in the tender process for IT contracts therefore gaining the winning edge is critical to an organizations success. The project phase is the first and most important element of the contract, and where the customer needs to gain the confidence that a service provider led by a project manager and his project team can meet the objectives. This course focuses on the tender process from a ‘seller’ perspective and addresses the overall requirements in order to deliver winning proposals.

The most critical stage for a project manager is the start up or initiating and planning phases where time is limited and where being equipped at with the right knowledge, skill sets, tools and techniques ensures the project gets off to a best possible start without reinventing the wheel and with minimal process and template adaptation. This course focuses on effective implementation and efficient use of the project management tool kit following the PMI standard and will ensure project teams hit the ground running.

Time management is one of the most important knowledge areas to consider when embarking on a new project as the IT industry continues to experience pressure to reduce project timelines due to the highly competitive tender process and the ever increasing demands to reduce project costs. If your organization is just starting a new IT implementation, this short and intensive training and coaching course is designed help your project team accelerate their speed during the early stages of a project.

Time management is one of the most important knowledge areas to consider when embarking on a new project as the IT industry continues to experience pressure to reduce project timelines due to the highly competitive tender process and the ever increasing demands to reduce project costs. If your organization is just starting a new IT implementation, this short and intensive training and coaching course is designed help your project team accelerate their speed during the early stages of a project.

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